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Can CBD Oil Treat ADHD

CBD oil has many benefits, but many people are still unfamiliar with the substance. If you or someone you care about has ADHD, you might be curious whether the drug can help you find relief. According to many studies, cannabis-based medicines like CBD oil and medical marijuana have shown promise in helping people who have ADHD and may be an excellent option to try if you’re struggling with the disorder.

What Is CBD Oil?

You might have heard the term CBD oil, but you’re not quite sure what it’s about. Put simply, it is a compound that’s derived from hemp plants. It’s quite distinctive since the hemp plants from which CBD oil is derived contain trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Medical marijuana, on the other hand, contains higher amounts of THC. While it is legal, and a growing number of states have made it legal on its own, it’s illegal to buy and sell marijuana, so most CBD oil products you see online or in stores are packaged in plastic containers rather than glass jars, which is what marijuana is usually packaged in.

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder in children. Those with ADHD have trouble sustaining attention, are easily distracted, and have problems controlling impulsive and hyperactive behavior. It is a diagnosis, not a disease, and medications are not considered a treatment. ADHD is a neurobiological condition, and medications can help a person with ADHD focus, pay attention, and manage their impulses, but like many drugs, they also have side effects.

How CBD oil can help with ADHD

You may have heard that CBD oil can help with symptoms related to ADHD. Scientific studies have proven that this oil can help relieve some of ADHD’s symptoms. CBD oil is thought to work by boosting the child’s immune system, increasing their concentration, and improving their memory.

Though many people are looking for natural alternatives to pharmaceutical medications to treat their ADHD, doctors aren’t often keen on recommending CBD oil. There are several reasons for this, but the main reason appears to be that there is not enough reliable medical evidence to warrant recommending CBD. Despite this, some studies suggest this oil could have a therapeutic effect on ADHD, which could help patients cut back on their ADHD medication.

CBD May Reduce Hyperactivity

CBD oils have become increasingly popular in recent years, but what exactly are they, and how do they work? First, let’s back up and talk about what exactly CBD is. The oil is becoming more popular for its ability to alleviate anxiety and reduce inflammation, but it can also benefit those with ADHD—specifically those with hyperactivity. Recent animal studies have demonstrated that CBD can reduce the hyperactivity symptoms associated with ADHD, including restlessness, inattention, and impulsivity.

CBD May Reduce ADHD Symptoms

More than 3.7 million children in the United States have ADHD, according to the National Resource Center for Children & Families. Many families consistently battle with this diagnosis and find themselves seeking alternative solutions to help their children live more functional life. Although it’s impossible to prove a specific cause-and-effect relationship, a recent study has shown that CBD, a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, may be an effective and safe treatment for ADHD symptoms.

Potential Side Effects

Cannabidiol is a cannabis compound that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. CBD has many health benefits, including alleviating pain symptoms, reducing inflammation, and helping with anxiety. While it is becoming increasingly popular, it has also caused confusion and uncertainty among medical professionals. Some studies have shown CBD to have relatively few side effects, while others raise concerns about its potential side effects.

While CBD generally causes few reported side effects, there are some risks to be aware of.  It is an all-natural substance, so side effects are rare compared to other prescription painkillers. However, some people experience side effects from CBD products, including drowsiness, low blood pressure, confusion, dry mouth, and changes in appetite.

Is it safe for children?

As CBD and cannabis-based products have gained more popularity in the past several years, many parents are asking whether it is safe for children. The answer depends on your child’s age, level of tolerance, and the child’s medical condition. For children ages 2-6, CBD isn’t necessarily harmful. It may provide effective pain relief in kids who experience nausea and vomiting from cancer treatment. For children 7 and older, if a parent uses CBD to treat a medical condition, it’s up to the parent to decide if their child is old enough to benefit from it. Also, because CBD is still considered illegal at the federal level, it’s unclear what will happen if your child tests positive for CBD, too.

Dr. Merry Rose

Dr. Merry Rose

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